This tutorial will help you create a Dazzling Fashion Model Poster with
several techniques. It also shows you the effectiveness of default Photoshop brushes & blend modes, and how you can use them to greatly improve
This is the list of things we need for making this artwork.
Stock Photos
1. Sexy Girl
2. City Skyline
3. BG Pattern
4. Displacement Map
Brushes Needed
1. Splash Of Paint
2. Butterfly Brush
OK. Now before you guys think this is a really easy artwork with some crappy filters , let me tell you that it isn't so.
In fact it's quiet long and detailed so if you get stuck while skipping steps then i guess you're on your own.
Also I'm taking a different approach to this tutorial.
While most tutorials go by the order of steps, I'm dividing the tutorial into 7 Groups so as to make things easier.
Here is the arrangement of Groups. You can set these up before we start.
Lets start off with a new blank canvas with white (#ffffff) as the background. Make a new layer ( Ctrl + Shift + N) and fill it with a gradient going from the top left to bottom right corner of the canvas.
I've used these to as the colours for the gradient.
Orange : #ffb33a
Pink : #fd0083
Pink since it is a woman's model picture.
Next we add the patterned background over it.
Blend Mode : Luminosity
Opacity : 55%
Make sure to group these layer into Group BG
Now we need to add the main element for this artwork - the girl.
So let's save this for now and open up the image of the girl in photoshop.
As you can see, this image is totally messed up. Nothing matches with the artwork we've made so far ; lighting , colour , mood.
And this is where Photoshop comes in.
Using a soft round brush on the layer mask of the girl, remove the part of the hair where the background is showing.
Also move it at places where the edge is too rough.
Now we have one complete image. Good.
Now here's the tricky part.
Duplicate this and hide the duplicated.
Select the original "girl" layer for applying the displacement map.
Goto Filter --> Distort --> Displace.
In the Girl Group , we have 2 layers
1. "displaced" girl
2. hidden copy of the original girl.
If you don't have this then go back and recheck. No point going further and later cribbing that you couldn't get the output.
Unhide this copied layer,name it 'overlay' and make another copy. Hide this 'another copy' for now. So far so good?
Select 'overlay'. Ctrl+Click on thumbnail of 'displaced' girl --> Click on the button at the bottom saying 'add vector mask'.
Now with the splatter brush remove some of the hair and with a soft brush, some of the arms.
Now in the Girl Group we have 3 layers
1.'displaced' girl.
2.'overlay' girl
3.hidden copy of original girl.
Unhide this hidden copy name it 'smoothing' and make another copy. Hide the 'another copy' for now.
This 3rd girl layer is just to smooth things up.
Change the opacity to 50%, add a vector mask and paint it black so everything's hidden.
Now with a soft white brush paint over the layer mask to reveal certain parts as shown below.
Now in the Girl Group we have 4 layers
1.'displaced' girl.
2.'overlay' girl
3.'smoothing' girl
4.hidden copy of original girl.
Unhide this hidden copy, name it 'cutout' and do not make any more copies :D ( Yeah, i know, thank god)
Move it to the right side of the canvas and enlarge it such that the head occupies a significant position .
Now make a new layer on top with opacity set to 15%.
Paint the part over the girls legs pink.
This is just to blend it with our background pink.
This group will be below Girl group and will have two layers. Sparkle & small Sparkle
We could download tons of sparkle brushes from the internet but i thought of making my own.
Here s how.
Take a soft round brush of approx. 35-40 px size.
Goto Window --> Brushes or F5
Apply the settings as given below.
This group is the simplest. Just get some butterfly brushes from the net.
The reason it has 3 layers is that i have made just one butterfly per layer so that i can adjust size and placement without affecting the others.
This group is above Butterfly and contains basically 2 layers.
The upper Skyline & below it Skyline Glow.
Just extract the skyline from the image onto the canvas and place it in that group.
Create a new layer above it. Ctrl+Click on thumbnail of skyline to get its shape.
Now with the Rectangular Marquee Tool(M) set to "Intersect with selection" select about 3/4 of the skyline from the right and paint it black.
Blend Mode : Soft Light
Opacity : 70%
Select the skyline and this together by holding E & press Crtl+E to merge.
This group stays below Sparkle and contains 2 layers ; one copy of the other.
This is probably the oldest (and my favorite) trick in the book.
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool(M) make a selection over the ......emm......above the belly of the girl. :D
Fill it with Purple : #a52d5c
I've added another colour within it (#831734) but you can stick to one for simplicity.
Again this text employs the same method used in the Skyline Glow case with a different approach.
Select a nice font(Angelina) and write out whatever text you want. Keep it over the TAG part of the image so as to bring out contrast.
Hide the layer. Ctrl+Click on thumbnail . Select the Lasso Tool(L). Right click near the marching ants and select Make Work Path --> Tolerance 2px.
Still find something missing?
That's right. Only one layer, but which changes the artwork completely.
Goto the Background(BG) Group
Above the Pattern layer, make a new layer and name it "lens flare'
Paint it black completely.
Filter --> Render --> Lens Flare
Select the 105mm Prime with 150% Brightness.
Angle the flare such that the main part falls on the body and the tail on the 'cutout' girl (face)
This might take a few attempts to get right.
Have a look at the final Set up of layers. It should help you eliminate any doubts.