Kevin Roodhorst is a talented graphic designer from The Netherlands. Starting as a freelancer at a young age, he already has a roster of clients and a loyal following of graphic arts enthusiasts. He captures his audience by the dynamic input of texture, image and concept in his designs.
First off, we’d like to know more about you. Can you tell us a little something about yourself? What influenced you to choose graphic arts as your career path?
My name is Kevin Roodhorst. I’m a 20-year-old graphic designer/digital artist from The Netherlands. I started to work with the Adobe software when I was 15 years old. What I did most of the time was follow tutorials on the internet and read design books. At the age of 17, I started to work as a freelancer. Flyers, posters, covers and banners were the things I made the most. In my spare time I make personal projects and search for more inspiration. Another hobby of mine is photography. I like to make photos of textures and other elements that I think I can use for my projects.
I am currently studying graphic design in Amsterdam. When I finish school, I would like to work for an advertising agency. My work is published in 8 design magazines in countries such as: The Netherlands, England, France, Germany and Russia. My work is also featured on a lot of design websites/blogs. I also have my own online store where you can buy my work in different poster sizes.
What influenced me to choose graphic arts as my career path? I always had a thing with digital art images and other computer generated images. I thought I wish I could create such wonderful images. And I’m practicing ever since.

You are a self-taught designer/artist. Is there a particular designer/artist who influenced or helped you in your learning process?
No not really, I did it all myself. But there were artists who inspire me though. Like the artist from Depthcore and Arts Thanea.

What would you say are the trademarks of your design?
Composition, Light effects, Good use of space, Unity

Do you apply a different style when doing projects for clients or do you keep your signature style?
I’ll try to do client work in the same style as my personal projects. It depends on what the client wants actually.

What was your big break?
I think the first time my work got published in a magazine!

Can you tell us more about the techniques and tools you’re exploring?
I’m actually only using the basic Photoshop tools. And I combine Illustrator, Photoshop and Cinema 4D together.

Which project can you say you had the most fun doing?
I think my latest project ‘Eternity’. I’m currently learning new things like 3D. It’s fun to experiment with new things and see what people think of it!
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