Get ready to create an epic battle between a sea creature and a courageous pirate girl. I will share you various tips and techniques that will hopefully improve your current workflow. In this tutorial I will make extensive use of layers, masks, smart objects and other basic Photoshop tools so if you’re not familiar with them I recommend you read my article.
In order to follow this tutorial you will need Photoshop CS3 or newer.
Tutorial Resources
- Bubble Brush – frostbo
- Splash Brush– frostbo
- Blood Brush – Project-GimpBC
- Palms Brush– Rawox
- Light Brush– redheadstock
- Lightning Brush– redheadstock
- Sky– Rin-Shiba
- Underwater– frostbo
- Mill– freeimages
- Sea– eddyhaze
- Small Fish– AngelMoon17
- Scary Fish– Free-Stock-By-Wayne
- Creature– joannastar-stock
- Hand– ISOStock
- Paint Splash– Mediamilitia
- Boat– JinxMim
- Dolphin– wolverine041269
- Girl– mjranum-stock
- Underwater2– evilhateyouall
- Nebula1– fluteJazz
- Nebula2– pixabay
Step 1
First of all go ahead and download and import the brushes used in this tutorial so you won’t have to do it later. You can also download the rest of the images used as resources to have them ready when needed.
Create a new document (Ctrl + N) with 2000 x 1500px size and click ok.

Step 2
Open the image “Sky”. Select all by pressing Ctrl + A and copy by pressing Ctrl + C. Go back to our newly created document and press Ctrl + V to paste. Convert this layer as well as all the future pasted images from other documents into a smart object (right click the layer and from the drop down menu choose Convert To Smart Object).
Use Free Transform (Ctrl + T) to position the sky as shown below.

Step 3
Open the image “Underwater”. Select all and copy/paste in our document. Place this layer as shown below with Free Transform. This will serve as a basis for the underwater portion of our scene.

Step 4
Hopefully you are already familiar with layer masks so I won’t go into much detail about how to create one.Create a layer mask (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All) and use the Gradient Tool (G) to fill the upper portion of the underwater layer with black. Using the Gradient Tool instead of the Rectangular Marquee will grant us a smooth and seamless masking effect.

Step 5
Open the image mill. Use the Pen Tool(P) to make a selection of the mill and copy/paste in our document. Place the mill as indicated below.
As you can see we are starting to place various objects in our scene to make this work visually.

Step 6
Create a Curves Adjustment Layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves) and drag the curve down to darken. As you can see it darkens the whole scene but we want the darkening effect to restrict only to the mill. In order to do that simply Alt-click between the curves layer and the mill layer. This operation is called clipping a layer to another – it will restrict all the effects of a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer to the clipped layer (the layer below). You can have an unlimited number of upper clipped layers that will be visible/restricted through a single layer below.
12 responses to “Create an Epic Pirate Sea Battle in Photoshop”
This is so awesome! Detailed tutorial, thank you!
Great! How to view this article..
oh! nice tutorial, thanks for the shared.
I’ve spent 3 days for this tut-techniques and I think (hope-) ) I’ve done something very good) -
Omar EL-Midany wa7da b wa7da :P
اللهم صل عالنبي :D
تحوس انه نجم :v
The blood is too fake. It has a milky material and too much blood for merely a human.
wow nice work but the thing is that am new to this how can i get your article. i serious need to learn this, hope to hear from
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