Learn how to combine photos with fractals to create your own surreal photomanipulation. In this tutorial you´ll learn different blending techniques and advanced lighting techniques. Let´s get started!

This image was created to show a dream world which everyone enters when asleep. To create this photo manipulation you´ll start by blending the fractals together. Next you´ll add and adjust stairs and girl. And in the end you´ll focus on creating interesting light scene. You´ll need Photoshop CS or newer to follow this tutorial.

Tutorial Resources

Step 1 – Preparing Background

Open Photoshop and create a new document. Set its Height on 939px, Weigh on 1410px and Resolution on 72px/inch.


Grab the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill the Background with black color.

Step 2 – Adding Main Fractal

Download image named fractal.png listed in the beginning of the tutorial and drag it into your photo manipulation. Double click on the layer and name it FRACTAL.

If you don´t see the palette Layers go to Window>Layers and it will appear.


Quick tip: It´s a good habit to name all your layers. It´s easier to navigate in them once you work with more layers.

Step 3 – Adding Stairs

Download photo of stairs listed in the beginning of the tutorial and drag it into your photo manipulation. Place this layer on the top of all layers and name it STAIRS.

Go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal to flip them.

On the following image you can see how your photo manipulation should look like so far. In bottom left corner of the image you can see your layer order as well.


Step 4 – Blending Stairs

As you can see STAIRS are too bright and yellow right now. In this step you´ll adjust them to fit into the scene.

Click on the layer STAIRS to make sure it´s active. Go to Image > Adjustments > Match Color… and set the dialogue window same as on the following image.


Press OK to apply changes. As you can see STAIRS are bluer but still too bright. To fix that add new adjustment layer Curves on the top of all layers and set the curve as on the following image.

You can find the button Add new fill or adjutment layer on the bottom part of your Layers palette.

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9 responses to “Add Fractals to Create Dreamy Photo Manipulations”

  1.  Avatar

    Turned out beautifully!! Thank you I enjoyed doing this one

  2.  Avatar


  3. irina Avatar


  4. Sammyas Avatar

    Happy you’re back again, for I learned a lot from your tutorials.
    Great work

  5. Darshan Gajara Avatar
    Darshan Gajara

    Superbly done, Jarka.

  6. Babak Avatar

    Great Tutorial,Dear Jarka.
    like it.

  7. Annette Avatar

    very inspiring and easy to follow ,lovely pictures – thank you

  8. huyenchauthuc Avatar

    Thank you very much!

  9. Vijayashri Avatar

    Simply cute and sweet ?

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