Anton Marrast is a Russian Illustrator/Digital Artist. His art is a surrealistic world merged with bits and pieces of reality. Let’s take a look at his works and the idea behind them in this interview.
We’d like to know more about you. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Okay. As I remember, my name is Anton Marrast, and I’m making pictures. I can tell by the Photoshop installed on my laptop and dozen pens, markers and stuff like that on my desk. Seriously, I have a strong taste for drawing and creating something since elementary school. When I was 5, I’ve made a ghetto blaster out of paper, using soap instead of glue.

What was your “journey” like in getting to where you are now as an artist?
This journey is a journey of a madman to the mental hospital. “I’m not mad!” “No, you are”, doctor said. The worst thing about it (and the best at the same time), is that this journey is endless. You must keep leveling.

What do you consider your greatest achievement so far?
I believe, that all my greatest achievements are in the future. Nothing I’ve reached already is a great achievement for me. It’s like, once you’ve reached something you’re so excited, and in the next moment you realize, that you’re better than this already.

Does your environment influence your designs?
I think so. Or rather, it does my ideas. Environment creates emotions. Emotions creates ideas for the next piece.

How would you describe your style and how did you develop it?
Psychedelic surrealism, huh. I do not develop it. It developes me! Seriously, I’m always trying to make sense and [create the] main idea of the piece through the composition, colors and details. Since the main idea of all my works is an emotion, the story always looks kinda surrealistic.

Do you experiment on using other mediums or techniques?
Yes. I like to work with analog devices such as pens, paper, pencils and markers. Sometimes I’m trying to mix up my paper drawings with digital media.

I’ve noticed that women is often, if not the constant, subject in your pieces. What is it about women that inspires you?
Some people calls that sexism and exploiting of women’s sexuality, but I’m sure that the female body is the greatest figurative form in art. For me, woman as a character is a personification of human emotions. Although I have the one and only woman that inspires me. My wife.

Your piece “Possibly yes” is rather intriguing. What is the idea behind this work?
In this piece, levitating character’s face is hidden behind the black drape and the white mask of the monkey. Black drape prevents from environment, that surrounds the character. The character is kinda isolated and concentrated on something inside. At the same time, white monkey mask is a personification of wisdom (according to some African tribal art). So “Possibly yes” is an answer given by this character.
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