Maria Corte is an artist from Barcelona who creates illustrations using a combination of geometric shapes and textures. Her work has been used in book covers, posters, advertisements, and more. Read this interview and learn more about Maria Corte.
Hello Maria! Let’s get to know you better. Can you tell us more about yourself?
I was born in Barcelona in 1983 and I’ve been living here ever since. My parents are Argentinians who were exiled as a result of Videla’s dictatorship, though, so we’ve always been aware of our roots at home. Furthermore, they’re both psychoanalysts, so I was introduced to Freud’s theories from a very early age. This has influenced my conception and interpretation of facts. I grew up amongst tangos, good literature and Sunday’s roast. I’ve never been keen on sports and I used to go with my father to expositions, many of them of abstract art, which at that age, I couldn’t understand
I must say that you have great illustration work. What usually inspires you to create?
My work is informed by many factors, personal experience, places visited, the impressions I absorb from the city…Everything that surrounds us influences our work in one way or another.
Jazz Manouche
How did you discover your love for illustration? When did you start to draw?
I probably couldn’t exactly say when I first started to draw, but I can say that one of my first memories as a child involves having a pencil on hand and a piece of paper in front of me while sitting on the living room’s floor and trying to draw what I could see through the window even with a balcony and some flower pots standing in the way.
From there on out I can’t recall any time period when I wasn’t fantasizing about drawing, until I decided it was time to take it seriously and I studied illustration at the Escola Massana de Barcelona.
Human Castle
Is there any artist that you look up to and inspires you?
Influences are unfathomable, they come from your own experiences and mannerisms acquired from images you’ve seen and stored in your subconscious throughout your life. Pictorial-wise, I’ve been unquestionably influenced by Cubism, represented by Fernand de Léger and Roger de La Fresnay and their breakdown of space through geometric shapes.
I must also mention the excellent work of Richard Linder and Tarsila do Amaral. The way they picture the human body is simply fascinating, distancing it from stereotyped standards of beauty and convention. I’ve been keen on Le Corbusier drawings for some time now, and I always bear in my mind the indelible memory of the wonderful wire images of Le Cirque de Calder.
6 responses to “The Abstract Editorial Illustrations of Maria Corte”
Absolutely beautiful works.. This is what called “Creativity”.
Respect for the artist !
I like your style
d(^_^o) -
Amazing work !
Wow these are amazing!,
nice work
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