Learn how to create this landscape matte painting with Photoshop! This tutorial will show you how create our own mountain scene by arranging multiple stocks together and blending them correctly using layer masks and adjustment layers. You will also learn effective techniques for adding waterfalls and mist.

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Create A Misty Landscape Matte Painting in Photoshop


Step 1

Create a new document and fill it with white or any light and bright colors. I choose the size with 1300×900 px. Open sky stock. Use Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to make a selection on sky part as shown below:


Then active Move Tool (V) and drag this selection into our white canvas:


Step 2

Open background mountain stock.Take the background with misty mountains only and place it at sky part (don’t resize it):


Click the second button at the bottom of Layer Panel to add layer mask to this layer. Now use soft black brushes with large size (I use 250-260 px) to paint on the top of this background to reveal sky added in first step:

Step 3

To reduce saturation and increase brightness of the mountains to fit the sky, I use some adjustment layers with Clipping Mask. On background mountain layer, go to New Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Hue/Saturation:




Step 4

Open mid rocks stock. Extract them and locate them at the middle section of our picture. Right click this layer, choose Convert to Smart Object then use Cmd/Ctrl+T to resize it as shown below:


I want to remove the rock on the right so I add layer mask to this layer. Use Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to make selections at the left corner and right rock:


Now on layer mask use black brush to remove selected areas:


Step 5

I create some adjustment layers to change color and darken the rocks.





Color Balance:


I use soft black brush with opacity about 40% to blur dark effect on the top of the rocks (they will get more light from sky so should be brighter than the rest):


Step 6

I add a new layer (Clipping Mask) to darken more the front of the rocks. Use soft brush with color #7a7e7e to paint over there avoiding the top and middle area then change the mode to Multiply 80%:

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22 responses to “How to Create a Mountainous Matte Painting in Photoshop”

  1. Phanindra Avatar


  2.  Avatar

    bhai iski photoshop file bhej do kam urgent

  3. Ghazanfar Didindipour Avatar
    Ghazanfar Didindipour

    it`s not sxc.hu but scx.hu existed while the linked did`nt worked.

  4. Kathy Avatar

    Thank you, this has been a real help

  5. Сергей Avatar

    Очень замечательный урок!:) Делаю с огромным удовольствием!:) Правда остановился на 33 шаге, не могу сообразить где эта часть горы которую нужно вставить в правый угол на передний план. Уже измучился и не пойму как тут разобраться:) Просидел над этим куском горы уже весь день:)) Неужели тут придётся вырисовывать… так скажем проявить смекалку…)

  6. yupitsRob Avatar

    ur all amazing i wanna give u all hugs!!!!

  7. Manu Avatar

    Thank you very much:)

  8.  Avatar

    how to download this video

  9. Maidul Islam Avatar

    Beautiful, creative and acutely enjoy able!

  10. Maidul Islam Avatar

    Great, thanks for all the helpful info!

  11. malissimo Avatar

    please, you might place the images: Background mountain y Bottom right rock ?

  12. ronnel Avatar

    thank you very much :)

  13. vikas Avatar

    nice tutorial

    1. And Avatar

      I don’t understand where have you found (seen) the steps in this tut.?
      sorry, but I can’t see them(
      hope you help me

  14. vikas Avatar

    That’s amaging tutorial and I feel happy

  15. Riad Hossain Avatar
    Riad Hossain

    I really fell happy.

  16. Andy Avatar

    This tutorial is amazing. Thanks Ms. Le

  17. tiroma rosmaree Avatar
    tiroma rosmaree

    Really nice and very useful. Thank you very much….

  18. Jordan Avatar

    Really nice and fun to work with. I’m very nooby at photoshop and I learnt a lot from this.

  19. lahiru dilshan Avatar
    lahiru dilshan

    thanks machan…….
    good buy…..

  20. elsie Avatar

    Amazing tutorial

  21. himanshu Avatar

    nice tutorials…thanksss

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