How to Create a Surreal Head Stack in Photoshop
Photoshop is a great tool to create many forms of art. With it, there is no limit of what kind of artwork we can create. The only limit is our imagination. In this tutorial we will create a kind of surreal artwork, which I call ‘Surreal Head Stacking Photo Manipulation’. I’m only using two stock…
Create a Captivating Street Dance Competition Poster with Photoshop
Learn how to create a captivating street dance competition poster with Photoshop. You’ll start with some quick and dirty tricks about selection, playing with layer blend modes, changing object color the easy way, import and place some 3d render, adding lens flare (which is so fun to do!) and many more. Throughout the tutorial, (hopefully)…
Create Groovy Music Flyer Poster with Photoshop and Illustrator
Everyone knows how a flyer poster look like. But do you know how to create a good one with by yourself? This tutorial will show you from start to finish, how to create a music flyer poster with Photoshop and Illustrator. Follow every steps to learn how to create your very own flyer poster. What…
Smoke Portrait
I was so impressed the day I saw this “smoke art” photo effect. I decided to recreate it using Photoshop and ended up with the result shown below. Seems complicated? Keep on reading and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to do, thanks to the Smoke Brushes from Photoshop Tutorials.
Creating Multiple Banner Ads Layout Using Artboard in Photoshop CC 2015
One of Photoshop CC 2015 new feature is more or less the same with Illustrator artboard, allowing us to create multiple pages within one document. But Photoshop’s artboard is more flexible because we can freely change the arboard size and position. Now we can be more productive, because we are able to create multiple design…
Create Your Own Travel Brochure Using Only Photoshop
This tutorial demonstrates techniques to create Travel Flyer Template Design in Photoshop. This is a fairly straightforward tutorial using Photoshop’s drawing tools and composition techniques. The techniques shown here could be applied to create any other flyer template design as well, like holiday trip, local attraction, etc.