• Interview With New York Graphic Artist and Illustrator Jeff Huang

    Interview With New York Graphic Artist and Illustrator Jeff Huang

    Jeff Huang is a graphic artist and illustrator based in New York. He is a diverse artist with amazing skills in digital illustration, photo manipulation, and 3D. He has been featured in many publications such as Adobe’s Design Center, Digital Arts Magazine, Computer Arts Magazine, Advanced Photoshop Magazine. This interview will showcase Jeff’s talent, passion,…

  • Interview with Designer Maebh Costello

    Interview with Designer Maebh Costello

    Maebh Costello is a designer from the Republic of Ireland. She specializes in Illustration, Graphic Design and Web/Email Design and produces a tremendously inspiring work. This interview will highlight her background, personal work and inspirations so be sure to read through!

  • 20 Inspiring Digital Art by slashThree Artists

    20 Inspiring Digital Art by slashThree Artists

    Independent art group slashTHREE started as a small forum where artists could freely discuss. Now it has flourished into a magnificent art collective, wherein very talented digital artists can be found. Here is a collection of artists and their work featured in slashThree. Read on and let these artworks draw you in with the superb creativity!

  • Interview with Illustrator and Designer: Michael Murdock

    Interview with Illustrator and Designer: Michael Murdock

    Be inspired with the work and personality of Michael Murdock, an Illustrator/Designer based in Los Angeles. His designs (and doodles) are stunning and the ingenuity and skill put into each work is just amazing. He has a collection of Moleskine drawings (my personal favorites) that illustrates just how talented he is. So without further ado,…

  • 19 Fantastic Vector Illustrations

    19 Fantastic Vector Illustrations

    For this post, I have collected a couple of vector illustrations to feast your eyes on for inspiration. The artistry in these vectors is amazing, and the artist’s vision is awe-inspiring.

  • Interview With Designer Mauricio Raffin

    Interview With Designer Mauricio Raffin

    Mauricio Raffin is a talented Programmer/Designer from Corrientes, Argentina. His works are captivating with his implementation of surreal details and good composition. Let’s dive into a surrealistic world with fantastical creatures through Mauricio Raffin’s artwork.