Keeping Your Photos Safe
With digital cameras replacing film cameras in a digital age, many do not know how to archive their photos taken with their digital camera. Storing your digital images is more than copying the images from your memory card to your computer. Keeping one copy of your images on your computer is extremely dangerous and many…
7 Tips for Great Photos in the Dark
Follow these seven helpful tips to improve your night photographs.
Creating Safe and Effective Watermarks
Watermarking is a common method for enhancing copyright protection. By adding a watermark to your photos, most users won’t be able to steal your photo. But did you know that watermarks can be undone? In this article, you’ll learn how watermarks are removed and how to protect your images by adding watermarks that are difficult…
Raw vs JPEG
Learn the pros and cons of Raw and JPEG files and find out why it’s not always better to shoot Raw. What is Raw, or RAW? You may have seen Raw spelt in all capitals like RAW. Both ways of spelling is correct, but don’t mistaken the word for an acronym. Raw is basically the…
Choosing a Digital Camera
With the vast selection of digital cameras, how do we know which one to buy? The prices of digital cameras has gone down, but why are consumers spending more money for even the most basic needs? Find out how you can find the just right digital camera at just the right price.
Polarizing Filter
Follow this newly discovered method of simulating a polarizing filter with Adobe Photoshop that’s faster, easier, and more effective. Considered the most useful filter in Photography, a polarizing filter makes almost any image look better by absorbing glare to reduce or eliminate reflections and darken skies.