How to Create a Beautiful Audio App User Interface
This tutorial will show you how to create your own music interface that lets you manage songs on your device, whether it’s a phone, computer or a tablet. By learning few cool design tricks you can bring your own interface ideas to life. This tutorial will show you how to create two screens for your…
Create a Vintage Style Poster in Photoshop
This tutorial demonstrates techniques to create a vintage style poster in Photoshop. We will also be using Illustrator for some simple operations. This is a fairly straight forward tutorial utilizing Photoshop’s drawing tools and composition techniques.
How to Create a Professional Web Layout in Photoshop
Designing good looking clean and functional Web layouts is an essential part of a Web Designers life. In this tutorial we are going to create a clean and professional Web layout in Photoshop from scratch. Along the way you can learn useful methods to create designs. So get started!
Create a Captivating Street Dance Competition Poster with Photoshop
Learn how to create a captivating street dance competition poster with Photoshop. You’ll start with some quick and dirty tricks about selection, playing with layer blend modes, changing object color the easy way, import and place some 3d render, adding lens flare (which is so fun to do!) and many more. Throughout the tutorial, (hopefully)…
Create Your Own Travel Brochure Using Only Photoshop
This tutorial demonstrates techniques to create Travel Flyer Template Design in Photoshop. This is a fairly straightforward tutorial using Photoshop’s drawing tools and composition techniques. The techniques shown here could be applied to create any other flyer template design as well, like holiday trip, local attraction, etc.
Create a Pixel-Perfect Social Icon Using Vectors
Learn how to create a simple share button in Adobe Photoshop! This is a pretty simple tutorial that will teach you how to create pixel perfect vector shapes and how to easily handle the vector tools in Photoshop. Once you get your starting vector shapes, you will learn how to add the colors using the…