Marcus Byrne
“Smash This (Self initiated project to explore the ‘Explode’ tools in Cinema 4D.)
Created the text, extruded, then rotated each character slightly. Added the Explosion FX and played around with the object properties.
Textured with a reflective material and used a Sky Object to reflect in the text.
After various test renders, output with Channels and open in Photoshop.
Added final composition image layers with various overlays. The ‘Smoke image’ is set to screen mode to knock out the black.
Metal (Self initiated project to explore metallic reflections in Cinema 4D.)
Created a scene with Text, Floor base and Spheres. Worked out a basic composition that felt right. Textured with a reflective material and used various lights until I was happy. Textured the floor base with a Wood texture. Open in Photoshop for final composition grade.
Mega Pick (Commissioned 3D Type for Ladbrokes.)
The Type needed to feel huge, solid gold and heavy. The type lock up was created in Illustrator. In Cinema 4D, I created a scene, imported Type, extruded it, added a Floor base to catch shadows. Used a very wide Camera angle to give the illusion of looking up at this huge type. Worked out a basic composition that the client particularly wanted. Textured with a gold reflective material and used various lights to reflect in the material. Open in Photoshop for final composition grade.”

Katlego Phatlane
“I was experimenting with 3D typography and those works were some of my first ever 3D type projects. They were for the sake of experimentation and getting to grips with the software. I used Autodesk 3Ds Max Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. As I was experimenting I mostly came by them by accident, but most of them inspired future projects which you can find on my behance too.”

Jeff Osborne
“I get my inspiration from different sources, the Bible ( I’m a born again Christian), sayings that I hear or see, or how I feel. I use a mixture of Cinema 4D, vRay, photoshop and illustrator. I start by draw the typography in illustrator, then I import the illustrated Typography into a Cinema 4D where I model and texture the typography , then use vRay to light the model, I then render the typography and place it into photoshop where I composite the typography with other textures and colour balance until I am happy.”
6 responses to “Inspiring Examples of 3D Typography”
How hard is it to learn Cinema 4D?
Tahar photographe
Thanks for the inspiration. I really like these!
There are all very cool. I liked Coen Pohl the best though!
These are absolutely breathtaking! I must confess, “Don’t Look Down” scares me a little bit. Would you try to create any of these?
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