Austeja Slavickaite
“To create 3D letters I used Xara 3D. This software, very basic one, allows you to create 3D typography, adjust lights, texture, colors but it’s quite limited if you want to work with individual objects separately, not too many editing capabilities. So in the end I exported every letter individually and then put the composition together in Photoshop. While I was studying Graphic Design in Lithuania (Vilnius Academy of Arts) we were asked to make typographical compositions illustrating the chosen word and make it understandable even for someone who doesn’t know the language trying to manipulate just fonts and characters although I added backgrounds later on. I decided to work with in 3D and I needed something really simple and easy to learn since time was limited, I wasn’t bothered about the size of files too much, that’s why Xara 3D was ok for me, there’s a limit of font size, I think you cant work on fonts bigger than 72pt so wouldn’t work for anything bigger than A3 for print, web is fine. So all of the illustrations are Lithuanian words meaning “MOON” “TOAD” and “PRINCE” “.

John Cathcart
“John Cathcart is a Digital Designer based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Working from his studio, White Bear Design House he specialises in 3D modelling, lighting and texturing with over 15 years experience in the graphic design industry. You can see more of his work atwww.whitebeardesign.co.uk or check out his Behance portfolio at www.behance.net/
I created this piece using Maxon’s Cinema 4D and Adobe Photoshop CS6 for minor post-production adjustments. Utilising C4D’s Mograph and hair simulator to render the fur and grass allowed me to achieve a realistic result. The final piece was rendered to A1 and professionally printed and framed. The most challenging aspect of this piece was the fur and grass, I spent a lot of time adjusting the thickness, clump, twist and colour to get it to look just right and give it an almost fantasy, dream-like feel.
Note To Self: Don’t Die
This piece was inspired by a favourite musician of mine, Ryan Adams. I textured the text using various images and colours derived from some of his most famous songs. I nearly always begin a piece with the aim to output in large format which means putting a lot of pressure on my iMac but the end result more than makes up for it.
6 responses to “Inspiring Examples of 3D Typography”
How hard is it to learn Cinema 4D?
Tahar photographe
Thanks for the inspiration. I really like these!
There are all very cool. I liked Coen Pohl the best though!
These are absolutely breathtaking! I must confess, “Don’t Look Down” scares me a little bit. Would you try to create any of these?
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