
Tell me about your experience in making the RentGeek video?

It was a great experience working on the RentGeek video, and I learnt so much from every aspect of it. It was a lot of fun collaborating with other talented artists, and we were all able to get along very well. We worked really great as a team, and everyone was working equally as hard to make the best video possible for our client. Since no one lives close to anyone else, we did most of our commutating through emails and Facebook, and shared our files through our Dropbox. Near the end of production, everyone gave me their files for me to composite it all and sync up with the sounds, and were in charge of any changes that were assigned to us. Overall, it was great, and I would do it again and with the same crew.

What achievement are you most proud of so far?

I would have to say getting accepted into Emily Carr University and graduating with a Bachelors of Media Arts would have to be my proudest moment. Emily Carr University was THE dream school, and to have gotten accepted into the Animation Program at EC was a dream come true. It took a lot of hard work and motivation for creating the portfolio for that got me accepted; Sleepless nights painting away in my basement, countless hours drawing away in my little black sketchbook, and the stress of just the application in itself.


More Information About Lillian Wong

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4 responses to “Interview With Digital Artist Lillian Wong”

  1. Ahmed Avatar

    I will be proud to become like you, Great interview.

  2. Michael Avatar

    it was a great interview and i will be proud to become like you

  3. a2kyounglord Avatar

    i am photo editor and i want to upgrade my skills.i will like to ready tutorials

  4. Jeff Avatar

    Good variety of work and I’m sure your professors were proud of the work you’ve done.

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