Lastly, can you leave a word of advice for our readers?

Absolutely. Follow your heart… and nothing but. There are a ton of people in this world going for fortune, fame, and all kinds of other nonsense. Leave it to the stock brokers and scientists to be cold and calculating and leave it to the soldiers and squabblers to act on their animal instincts. You are an artist… you are in a special position. Find your passion for creating and devote yourself to it whole-heartedly. In the end, it’s simple. It’s about finding and fully revealing that creative spirit within. Once you have engaged that… and truly opened yourself to what you love… there really is no losing. Sure you will be broke for a while (or maybe even a looooong while!) , sure people will laugh at you and call you crazy, and sure you will be miserably surrounded by confusion and doubt half the time. But push through… in the end you will be glad you did. In that vein I will leave you with a quote from one of the greats… If your in the game to get chicks or money or notoriety, then your in the wrong game. If you’re ready to accept abandonment, loneliness, isolation, depression, coldness, hotness, stinkiness, and jock itch… Then do it. Charles Bukowski

More about Paul Henderson (Rise Design Studio)

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One response to “16 Awe-inspiring Visual Imagery by Paul Henderson (Rise Design Studio)”

  1. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Your photograph is perfect for Marie’s clipping mask . . . beautiful.

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