What inspires you to create?
Pain and despair. The cliché is true! The tortured artist lives! In earnest, I find that the obsession to create stems from a relative, rooted desire to understand our place in a world defined by its imagination. This planet is so wide in its range of diversity, specifically in the way that visual language is used for expression that although there are hundreds of different languages, cultures and ways of life, you find that every single society has some form of visual language. There are more artists than ever before and more people are discovering that they are creators in some form. As we add more and more creative information into the archives of our interconnected world, the ability to analyze the full purview of our creativity becomes more readily available and with that we can look backward and forward to the continued evolution of the visual language.

You have created a ton of amazing covers and artwork for Marvel Comics, which is probably the childhood dream of many. What is it like to work for them? Did you envision yourself getting this kind of work when you were young?
When I was 11 years old I got my hands on How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way, by Stan Lee and John Buscema. I learned many of my first lessons about comics and art from this book and it led to one of my childhood dreams of becoming a comic book artist and working with Marvel. I slavishly followed every lesson provided, the most important of which was to never stop drawing and practicing. I began to follow all the artists, study the history and styles of comic art, read all the books I could. It was a great learning experience that helped me discover many other facets of the world of art and storytelling. Of course working in the comic book industry didn’t happen so quickly or easily and by the time I began my career I was already a seasoned veteran of life. Working at Marvel has been a great place to evolve as an artist. They have always been quite supportive of the artistic process and have helped cultivate the artist to push forth their vision and evolve their craft.

Which Marvel character was your favorite to illustrate?
Easily, Ben Grimm a.k.a. The Thing! Always had a soft spot for ole’ rocky, either because he got a bum deal out of all the other members of the Fantastic Four or because he had an infectiously pessimistic attitude. He’s also from New York, my home town!
5 responses to “16 Incredible Comic Book Illustrations by Marvel™ Artist Juan Doe”
Beautiful, creative and acutely enjoy able!
Your work has been a true inspiration Juan. It was a pleasure showing our class this.
Great work!!! d(^_^o)❤
Marvelous interview Juan! I’ve been reading comics my whole life and I’m ecstatic to have come across this interview. I’m just surprised no one has commented on your exceptional comic art.
Now we have 2 comments! Yes! Many thanks Jeff, I truly appreciate the support!
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