
What materials do you most enjoy working with?

I love my abstract shapes! I spent a lot of time creating tons of random abstract shapes in Illustrator and try to build something beautiful out of them. And I can’t be without gradients and textures, these add so much complexity to my works.


How does a concept come to life from start to finish?

I usually take an idea and try to transform it into something abstract.

A good example here is my work “Reborn” which I did for OFFF Festival 2011. When I read the theme “Year Zero” I knew I wanted to do something like a big bang, but in a unique way. I started in Illustrator, creating a bunch of abstract elements based on triangles and brought these shapes to Photoshop to build my basic composition.

After adding more and more vector elements I was quite happy with it and got deeper into the concept. I thought that this big bang is the evolution of anything we know, including the color. So I kept every shape grey but added more and more color to the edges.

When I’m satisfied with the work I usually close the piece and after some days I look at it again. It’s finished if I still like it then.


What can we look for from you in the future? Do you have any new project that you’re working on right now?

I just finished some smaller freelance commissions but there’s not a huge project in the pipe. I always want to improve my style and experiment with different ways to create abstract work. Maybe I’m also lucky and some nice projects come my way, you never know.


As a digital artist/designer what advice would you give to those who are aspiring to work in the same field?

Do what you love. Never stop learning new things. Try to be the best in what you do. Don’t listen to people who hate your work. Never give up.


More about Michael Kammerer

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