Some of the best artworks are created when you combine your drawing skills with your Photoshop technical knowledge. There are many Photoshop tutorials out there that are clearly too difficult for me, but they are fun and inspiring to read. I’ve gathered up a few of my favorite tutorials from simple concepts to elaborate paintings that requires talent. Here’s the list of tutorials that I find motivational.

Making of ’Victorian Voodoo’

Jenny Healy turns a quick digital sketch created with a pen tablet into this wonderful painting. She starts with a quick sketch, add some rough colors, then goes crazy with the accessories. This tutorial is truly for those with a skill for painting and drawing.

Painting “The Nightmare” in Photoshop

Hatice Bayramoglu turns a simple sketch into this stunning digital art. She starts with a basic sketch, picks the colors to use, adds a gradient to the background, and starts painting in layers.

Making of Bunnies Land

Davide Tosello from Italy turns a really rough sketch to a high-detail painting with mystical lighting. Unlike many artists who adds detail to a rough painting of the entire image, Davide works rigorously in one part before moving onto the next.

How to Create an Audi A1 Digital Car Painting in Photoshop

Unlike the other drawing tutorials listed above which features a human figure, this one features a car and shows you how to create a concept car in Photoshop. It’s a pretty simple tutorial once you get the sketch down but the key take in this in how Martin Tyminski uses soft-edge brushes to create metallic gradients on the car.

Linework and shading for manga artworks

This tutorial by Man-Tsun will show you how to take a hand-drawn sketch and vectorize it. It completes the tutorial with an easy trick to give it an illusory touch.

Create a glowing superhero

This is one of the most popular Photoshop tutorials created by Kervin Brisseaux. This tutorial shows you how you can make extensive use of the marquee and pen tools to create this glowing retro poster.

Create a digital collage from hand-drawn elements

Sandra Dieckmann, a German freelance illustrator from London, shows you how to combine hand-drawn elements with photographic textures to create this emotional piece of artwork.

7 responses to “7 Skillful Drawing to Digital Art Tutorials I Wish I Could Do”

  1. Sanjay Sarkar Avatar
    Sanjay Sarkar

    It’s too needful for us.

  2. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Some Fantastic images here, some really creative, some excellent timing.

  3. Lily Avatar

    These are amazing!!

  4. Mousam Rajput Avatar
    Mousam Rajput

    Thanks for this…

  5. Ian Avatar

    I with luv do this maybe u can help

  6. rob73 Avatar

    I like the tutorials as I have previously been a ‘freehand’ non-digital artist before. thanks, happy painting, people!

  7. aamar Avatar

    I love photoshop and i love my all mfiendr

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