What are some of your struggles as a concept artist? How did you overcome them?
Lately, the biggest struggle I have is the Networking Effect.
Finding the way to keep exposure without being obsessed by it… It is very hard. A lot of emotions are dragged of by « likes », « views », and other famous effects… Don’t get me wrong, I love the web, and all that shit. It’s what gave me a lot of work and learned me a lot. But sometimes, it is just… too much. Too much to look at, too much to remember, too much rules to follow. Yeah, I guess the « digital » part of digital artist is not just because we work on a computer.
There is all the rest of it : international worldwide exposure on the web, and all what it can bring like hopes, fears, disagreements and good surprises.

How does your job as an artist influence your life?
Ha ha, that is the simplest and the strangest question of all !
And it needs the easiest and best answer : EVERYTHING.
Art is the development of your mind and thoughts, your eyes and discovery of the world. Life passes through your eyes, discoveries, thoughts and mind. So they are both strictly relied to each other.
Let’s say that in my point of view, everything in art is a piece of life, and vice and versa. I think that everyone is an artist of his own life, and that is only purpose is to build the best masterpiece possible with the delay we gave him : the few years of his human life.
I try to do my part, and even if it’s more than just a painting on a small computer, my whole life will be my masterpiece painting : with its part of beauty and beautiful colours, some shadows and mistakes, but completely mine, my stile, my strokes, my values, my story….

More about Alexandre Chaudret
You can find more of Alexandre’s works on his Behance profile and website.
2 responses to “Interview with Character Designer and Concept Artist Alexandre Chaudret”
Epic stuff man! I love it. You have a great talent.
bro admin boleh tanya gak ?
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