In this feature, we bring you a passionate filmmaker who turned into an enthusiastic character designer as he starts loving all kinds of art. He is Amr Elsham living from the “country of the pyramids”, Egypt. Let us read on and enjoy how arts change his view in life.
How did you get into cartooning? And is “cartooning” the right word for it?
I really don’t remember when I start, I always was doing this artworks when I was young before computer art enter my life, you can call it illustrations and yes it’s cartooning also!

Many of your illustrations are ghost or monster related. Is this something that interests you the most? Why or why not?
Yes, the monsters are my friends, I always have dreams about them, they never talk to me but I know they will help me get pass the a bad dream.

What’s your favorite subject? What’s the most difficult subject you’ve ever been commissioned to cartoon?
Fairy tales and Magic forests, the difficult was the City of Whales art work how can you add the whales into the city and make it look realistic.

You said you are passionate about film making. Did you go to school to study it?
No. Actually my study in College was far away from the stuff I do today, I was planing to be a film making and I have take some good steps but I get distracted by Digital art, but I think I will get back to it soon, maybe you can see my monsters movie in the near future.

How has the digital era and social media freed artists?
It’s really help a lot because the new tools and the software these days make you able to capture your idea as soon as pop in your head. social media help you share it and get feedback fast to help you develop more as artist.

Could you talk about your process in coloring your art, as well as the types of tools or media that you use?
Make it blue! blue make every thing look good, so it’s my fav color to use when I working, about the tools I use Photoshop always and C4D for 3D stuff and illustrator. Water colors, my camera and some magic dust! I also do some crafts using color paper, clay and robe materials just for fun.

What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard? How do you deal with each?
Finishing is the most fun easy part set the colors fixing problems that fun!! the being is the most hard because you turn your idea into something in real life and not always work in the first try, so you have to try and try then get it right at the end.

What are some of the things that you do to keep yourself creative?
Animals and nature, take a long walk! There other like try new stuff, try new styles, colors and medias, taking photos.

More about Amr Elshamy
Amr Elshamy likes to live in his own world away from the people. Sometimes, he flies and have friends from another world. You can find more of his works on his Behance profile or website.
5 responses to “Interview with Character Designer and Filmmaker Amr Elshamy”
How can I use photoshop tutorial?
Very useful tutorials and tips, put more like those, keep up the good work team! :)
Thank you so much! :)
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