In the past my camera has been the main aspect to my art work. At the moment I am aiming to merge this with more tradition sketch work. Keep an eye on my twitter for previews.


In your experience, were there moments that you have struggled or had difficulty in coming up with a concept? If there are, what are these and how did you overcome/cope?

There are definitely times when I have found it hard to get into a project. I always pick up a pencil when I struggle with a concept. If anything scribbling down ideas or even just doodling helps me to clear my mind. Its almost a Zen like process! I would definitely recommend it to your readers.

My key to avoiding creative block is to relax. I am a very calm person and rarely get stressed. On the occasions when I am feeling pressured I simply take a break and get outside in the fresh air.

Your series, “Children of Lir” was based from an old Irish folklore. Why did you decide to create a series on this and what was your experience doing this series like?

I have always had an avid interest in Irish folklore and Celtic art. I grew up with the story of the “Children of Lir”, its one of those childhood tales that you hear over and over again and don’t really get the meaning. I recently read the myth and realised the emotion and serverity of the tale – its not really a childrens’ story is it? The extreme implications of the myth inspired me to photograph some swans in my area. The swans elegant form influenced me to turn my beautiful photography pieces into digital art. I am very proud of this series and really enjoyed the creative process involved.

My art work is generally generated from my own original photography pieces. Creating a series of illustrations like the ‘Children of Lir’ requires a bank of imagery to resource. Capturing my own photography enables me to do this effectively.

You can view new similar projects on my website


Your work has a mixture of dreamy, sort of dark yet sweet-innocent feel, is it safe to say that this is your signature style?

I must say that I love your description of my style as ‘dreamy, sort of dark yet sweet-innocent’. I couldn’t have described it better myself, thank you!

Emotion is something that I always try to portray in my art. I don’t want to just create pretty pictures, I want my work to evoke feeling and thought. I hope that doesn’t sound pretentious but it is honestly my approach to illustration.

Without a doubt there is also dark aspect to my style. This isn’t something that I have consciously added, it just creeps in some how. I do like it though.

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