At the moment I am working on improving areas of my skillset. I have recently gotten back to basics and have started sketching again. I am really enjoying working with a pencil and sketch pad again. I have even taken a few life drawing classes to help me get back into the swing of things. In the next few months you will see a traditional progression in my style.

You have worked with big time clients such as Dell, Canon and Shell. What was the experience like and is the work process different from when you do personal work?
Throughout my professional career I have dealt with both big and small clients. If I was to be honest my work process is always the same. The only difference between my client and personal work is the deadline. For my own work I never set a deadline. I just keep working on a piece until I am happy with it. Its more enjoyable this way.
In contrast, I always make and hit my deadlines for client work. So far I have found that big clients aren’t always the most organised. For this reason I keep in constant contact with them. Oh, I also try to remain as patient as possible as things don’t alway happen quickly as you may like with client work. Some jobs can stretch out for months which can be frustrating.

Do you have any new upcoming projects?
Right now, I am working on a new tutorial for a well known Design Blog (Keep an eye on my twitter for updates). This tutorial incorporates Sketching, Photography and Digital Illustration. Its very challenging but fun to work on. I hope you find it helpful when it is released.
I also have an interesting piece in the works for the Intrinsic Nature Art Collective. Besides this I have one or two client artworks on the go. Between Client and Personal work I am being kept very busy. Long may it last.

What advice can you give to budding artists?
First off, I would advise new artist to get active and start creating. The more you create the more you learn. It takes years to build up a quality body of work. Everyone has to start somewhere and once you get that ball rolling everything gets easier – trust me.
Secondly, I would also advise artist to get their work online, if it isn’t already. Websites like Behance and Deviant Art are a great place for designers to post their portfolio’s. These websites are also a great place to interact with and meet other Artists. Put yourself out there and socialize. Personally, I have found twitter a fabulous tool for getting to know other designers. If you have any question for me drop me a line on Twitter – or follow my work on Behance or Deviant Art
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