Every artist is unique from the other artists but as a digital painter, what is it that you have that others don’t? And what makes your artworks unique from the rest?
I have a very bad opinion about my artworks, so I really don’t understand why people love or dislike some artwork/paintings. But, I suppose what make my artwork « different » could be the story I try to tell, as if my artworks were a door toward a new world.

Allow me to say that all of your artworks are really spectacular. They are very well done. Is there any specific artwork of yours that happens to be your most favorite? If so, what is it? And can you tell us the story behind that artwork?
Actually, my favorite artwork is « save our souls «, a painting I did in 2005. It talks about the link about art and psychology. This symbolize the moment I realized you can’t help people if you need help too.

More about Cyril Rolando
Cyril Rolando started to draw digitally in 2004. He uses Photoshop Cs2 and a wacom intuos 4M graphic tablet. You can find more of his works on his Behance profile or facebook fan page.
3 responses to “Interview with Digital Painter Cyril Rolando”
cool stuff m8 i really like ur photos
nice tutorial, awesome :)
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