
Throughout your career, what are you most proud about?

I am not proud about anything. Well… Maybe only that by my regular illustrations people are
starting to think about the purpose of their lives and starting to search for themselves, starting doing yoga or some other good things and becoming happy. Only this keeps inspiring me to continue drawing. In other cases I think my works are just drawings and this is not my merit that people ask me to draw commissions but this is really big luck and I am really grateful for that.


Where do you see yourself and your works evolving in the next 5 years?

Last 5 years in interviews answering for this question I usually say that I want to draw more personal works because I have loads of commercial and that I’m dreaming to draw some personal children multimedia book someday but still I have not done it. I’m stuck in commercial. Maybe it would happen in next 5 years? I would like to draw more yoga illustrations or to work on some projects which are more connected to divine, to make people wake up more.


More from the Artist

You can find out more from Fil by visiting his Behance profile and his website.

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One response to “Interview with Illustrator Fil Dunsky”

  1.  Avatar

    Amazing illustration artwork! Really love his style!

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