
More about Ismail Dedelioglu

He met the computer in times when the internet was just on the list of ‘ science fiction fantasies’. In years when computers only meant ‘word,excel’ for companies, ‘Minesweeper’ or ‘Solitaire’ at homes, he worked in technical fields as system management in IT departments of companies. You can find more of his works on his Behance profile or website.

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3 responses to “Interview with Retoucher Ismail Dedelioglu”

  1. Shahana Akter Avatar
    Shahana Akter

    Fantastic and awesome work. It will help me more.

  2. Mohamad Suhail Avatar
    Mohamad Suhail

    Very Realistic way to Go.

  3. Azmat Ali Avatar
    Azmat Ali

    amazing like ur tutorials

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