Today, we present to you an artist who is passionate about visual arts and colors that led him to becoming who he is now. He is none other than Wael Abul Hamid Saad, a visual designer from Cairo, Egypt. Let us find out his journey to success as we go through in this interview. Read on and enjoy!

Can you tell us a bit of yourself? What do you do?

My name is Wael Abul Hamid Saad. I am from Cairo, Egypt I have been passionate about visual arts and colors since early ages I was rejected by fine arts college several times, I have a BSC in Computer science however I don’t believe in academic education or certificates I believe that we live the bright age of media sharing, and self education is right short path to success.

I worked for several companies in Cairo as User interface design / specialist and an art director in some advertising agencies in Cairo I also worked as a head of creative team in Yahoo! Maktoob office in Cairo before it shuts down its doors in 2013.

Since then I established a creative studio called ARQQA that offers 360 creative digital solutions specially when it comes to online presence and advertising.

Until present day I am working to grow ARQQA along my team struggling in the economic situation of Egypt after the Jan 5th revolution, yet we are surviving and we will.


Where does your passion for photo manipulation come from?

From love of colors and compositions that creates an atmosphere and feelings, the best way to express so far. I am self taught, and I am proud of it.


Did you go to school for a special training or you are just self-taught?

From love of colors and compositions that creates an atmosphere and feelings, the best way to express so far. I am self taught, and I am proud of it.


Are you more of a painter or a photo manipulator? Why?

I am more of a photo manipulator, because my hand drawing skills are not as developed as the usage of digital tools that enables me to edit and manipulate photos the way i exactly imagine.


Can you tell us about your The Firmament project? Is there any message behind this creation? If so, can you tell us what it is?

Its a personal non commercial project i made, the message behind it is very connected to what’s going around this year people are so mad about space travel, volunteering to travel to other worlds with no coming back this is very inspiring.


What project or job have you had the most fun working on?

The city of a 1000 Minarets, its my favorite and most famous, I enjoyed photographing every part of while visiting
old Cairo.

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