What do you consider as your big break?
My big break? I think I’ve yet to get it. But so far, having my work appreciated by the greatly talented Dave Nitsche is one of the most meaningful things that happened to me. Thanks, Dave!

What is “Saeglopur”? Can you tell us more about this piece?
It’s inspired by Sigur Ros’ song with the same title. Saeglopur means „lost at sea”, and I think every person that sees this image can interpret it in their own way. For me it’s one of those moments when you feel like you’re on your own, with no one to help you or guide you and I think many people can relate to that. For others this image represents freedom, so… yeah. It depends.

Each work you have has an interesting albeit bizarre concept, where do you get the inspiration for these pieces? And how does an artwork come to life, from start to finish?
Inspiration has various sources… Life experiences, things I see, things I hear… Sometimes it doesn’t have any source at all and I become completely blocked and panicked, haha. But usually, these works come to life from the need to express my thoughts and feelings. I’m not the kind of person who talks much so it’s easier for me to tell everything through images. When I get a good and strong concept I think of how I could materialise it. Sometimes I know from the beginning how it will come out, sometimes I just try a lot of things till I’m happy with the result. I change elements, I change effects, I let the image rest for a day or two, and then see if it needs anything else. There are moments when I just find a photo that really speaks to me and I know I have to use it so I start playing with it. Most of the times the concept takes shape as I go. And then the image gets to the viewer. J

Do you have any creative rituals to help you come up with a concept?
Yes, sleep (or lack of sleep, because sometimes I just lie in bed and there’re a bunch of images that flow through my head, some of which I sketch quickly so I don’t forget them). I always dream the weirdest things anyone can imagine. It’s too bad I only remember about a third of what I dream… I wish there was a machine that could record the images in one’s mind exactly as the person sees them.

What can we look for from you in the future? What projects will you be working on?
The first thing on my list is my personal website. I need to focus on that for now because it’s really important. Then we’ll see what happens… I don’t like to plan ahead because things don’t always go my way, so I just prefer to go with the flow. I’m thinking of an exhibition somewhere abroad though… But I’ll keep you posted on that one.
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