Doing photo manipulations takes me much longer. If I don´t count time I spend on taking stock photos, it´s usually at least twenty hours in Photoshop. But again it depends on many things. I was able to finish some pictures in few hours and some were so hard for me that it took me several days.


What was the most important lesson you’ve learned along the way?

Always be patient, especially in Photoshop. Except of doing one dramatic adjustment with only one tool, try to combine more different tools/adjustments. To get better results it´s better to use e.g. smaller brushes, lower opacities etc.

Another thing I learned – you can learn almost anything from internet. Just try to use google and you´ll be surprised how many tutorials are out there. Everything I know I´ve learnt thanks to kind people who share their knowledge with others.


Describe your most accomplished work you’ve done.

It´s probably the manip below (I wrote a tutorial about it here on PhotoshopTutorials!). I´m really proud on this picture because I achieved certain style I wanted to learn for couple of months. Also client was really satisfied with the work which makes it all even better :)


What are your plans for the future?

Right now I need to finish my studies on university. Then I´d like to start up my own photography studio and teach some workshops about doing post processing and photo manipulations in Photoshop. Thank you very much for interviewing me! I really appreciate it and it´s honor for me. Jarka


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One response to “Interview with Photo Manipulator Jarka Hrnčárková”

  1. Jake Avatar

    Jarka’s artworks are so nice. I really like them all.

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