With my new passion in digital art, I went to the School of Visual Arts for college and majored in Computer Animation. I honed my skills in 3D and motion graphics there, and had a chance to work and intern at a couple of awesome design and animation houses. Thankfully by the time I wrapped up college, I already had a few years of freelance experience under my belt, and I knew that this was something that I wanted to pursue – to be a freelance designer. As of today, more than 6 years since I started to take on digital art, I am still a humble freelance designer and illustrator striving to come up in the ranks.

What is a day like for you? What usually keeps you busy?
I work remotely (from home) so I have the pleasure to plan my own days. Typically speaking, I wake up at around 9am and I walk my dog shortly after. I get back home to make breakfast and tea, and from there I begin my day. As of everyone in this day and age, the first thing I do is check my emails and check my “must-go-to” websites. Once that’s done, I would begin working on whatever client-work I have going on at the moment. From there, I only really stop to take bathroom breaks and to break for food. Once I get into the zone of working, I am in full-throttle mode and it’s hard for me to stop. Before I know it, it’s already past 7pm and I would have worked a full day without even knowing. The great perk about working at home is that nobody can tell you what you can’t do or when to do it. I may goof around sometimes, but I always, always, get my work done! And that’s what matters most.

What apps do you use for your designs?
I work mainly in Photoshop and Maya. Sometimes I’ll open up Illustrator and Mudbox depending on what the project needs.

I personally liked your work, “Memoir”. Where did you get inspiration for this?
Memoir was a piece created after breaking up from a unreal love relationship. Whatever I felt at the time, was what I created in the piece. I often create my best work when I am sad…which can be a good or bad thing. I would say, I create the most personal and heartfelt pieces during those times and that is why they seem to reach out to the viewers more.

Which of your works can you say reflect you best as an artist/illustrator?
To be honest, I am who I am because of all my work. People often automatically pin me to the surreal, or fantasy based photo-manipulation work, but I am actually a very diverse artist. I’ve experimented with so many styles and I enjoy each one thoroughly. That being said, I would not be the artist I am today if it wasn’t for all of my work.
One response to “Interview With New York Graphic Artist and Illustrator Jeff Huang”
Be careful with Jeff, he doesn’t produce what he promises and then double charges you with very little design knowledge and a lack of understanding anything, it’s all BS
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