This interview features talented graphic artist Antonio Rodrigues Jr. His works are fairly influenced by fine arts and two of his greatest sources of inspiration are music and architecture. This interview with Antonio will give you a peek into what goes on in a graphic artist’s day to day life.
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Antonio Rodrigues Jr and I’m a self-taught graphic designer, illustrator and lettering lover with a Fine Arts background. I work with different styles and techniques, from handmade to computer-generated graphics.

What memorable responses have you had to your work?
I’ve been only working as a professional graphic artist for the last couple for years and I have been fortunate to have my work featured on books, magazines blogs and design related sites, as well as worked with some clients and brands such as Puma, Adidas and Amnesty International.

What do you like and dislike about the world of art?
I like the power we have to change things around us and I dislike when this power is misused or misunderstood.

What is your dream project as a graphic artist?
I don’t aim to have THE big project. Rather, my aim is to be recognized for by body of work. For that, I am in a constant learning process and always trying to bring new elements to my projects, whether they’re personal or commissioned.

What jobs have you done other than being a graphic artist?
Until a few years ago, I had in a very bureaucratic occupation: I was responsible for the payroll in a public company. Even after graduating in Fine Arts University, I kept on doing art related work only as a side activity. It was only a few years ago that I had the confidence to leave my old job and start out as an independent graphic artist.

What role does a graphic artist have in the society?
So many! However, I believe that one very important role is to make people feel good about their visual environment.

Where do you find ideas for your work these days?
My work is fairly influenced by fine arts, but music and architecture are my greatest sources of inspiration. Both have rhythm and structure, and both can tell a story while at the same time leave something to your imagination.
In addition to those, my sphere of interests includes movies, photography, advertising, computing and also anthropology, history, literature, psychology and sociology.
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