I Work Hard For This.
Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently if you could go back in time?
I’d go back in time to when dinosaurs existed & prevent their extinction somehow. If I could only go back a few years I would’ve spent much more time learning 3D.
Advanced Photoshop Issue 102
Thank you for participating in this interview with us Anthony. What advice can you give to other aspiring artists?
No problem, it has been my pleasure! As for advice I’d just say don’t get caught up in your ego, and don’t ever stop learning from everyone & everything that’s around you. Hard work will never go unnoticed, though it may seem like it does at times. If you are good at what you do the right people will find you & help you achieve more.

22 responses to “The 20 Years Old Designer Who Learned It All Himself – Interview with Anthony Gargasz”
This is really fantastic. The unlimited access makes it even better thanks for shearing!
splendid and fantastic grate job.
Very nice work! I’m currently teaching myself photoshop at age 27 and love every minute of it. Keep up good work and inspiration!
Nice article but one thing is missing..
The actual process of learning he used
I.e what books did he study? What sites for tutorials did he use?
Whats the order/process of self teaching ones self Graphics design in terms of both the Vast theory side and the Adobe CS6 side application.
Otherwise awesome article
Your art work is amazing! I’ve been teaching myself Photoshop since I was 15 (2011). I’m seventeen now and I believe that the better way to learn is by experiencing it by yourself, creating something different and unique and make it yours. Although I am studying in the academy of Communication Arts, Film and Digital Media in my Senior year, I will never stop learning what I love to do by myself.
Oh, and congratulations for all your success!
Anthony man, you don’t know how this just inspired me to push for even greater! You are an ICON in my eyes and at such a young age! Hope life keeps getting better for you
wow man, you’re an inspiration. Thank you!
He’s so genuine… congrats on everything !
Mom- That’s my BOUY!!!!HBB… Love Love Love It- Lyle Lovette!
Dad- What a great MIND!!!!
Crissy- U R so amazing!!! I can’t wait to see how much more u r gonna do! One of the greats!
wow man, i like your stuff, im 17 i’ve learned photoshop on my own. i also use Cinema 4D for 3D logos, etc. You inspire me, thats what i need is some feedback from some good artists to keep me going.
-Meeks Designs -
Fantastic art. I look forward to seeing more of it in the future and hopefully some tutorials to help those of us that haven’t been gifted with your talent.
Thank you so much! I have some tutorials on OtherFocus, a design blog I write for. More are soon to come! http://www.otherfocus.com/category/resources/tutorial/
Nice stuff! Do you use Photoshop brushes?
Thanks Justin, I use basic photoshop brushes with adjusted presets for lighting techniques. I try to stick to stock images for textures.
Thanks for the reply. Which brushes do you recommend for lighting techniques?
Those designs are very very good i must say,i myself just started using Photoshop and already i’m blown away by the software’s capability of manipulating pics. I hope to work with Anthony someday when our roads meet.
Very nice!
my favorite artist!
Wowee!! The artjunks design is the best. How did u go from $15k prize to $30k?
Thank you very much! I received $15k for the pictured artwork & another $15k for their Advertising Portfolio Scholarship (creating a mach ad campaign)
Mind= Blown
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