Senna Poster V4
Senna Poster V4

Is there an inspiration for each work you produce? What usually inspires you?

Each work has a different inspiration. The one thing that ties most of my work together though is nostalgia. Most of the time I will see an effect or style used by another designer and I will want to recreate it with my own ideas thrown in. There are so many talented designers out there, that the inspiration is endless. Specifically though, James White of Signalnoise and Aaron Draplin of DDC are huge inspirations when it comes to being motivated.
The value they put on personal work really keeps me going on my own projects, for the love of it, rather than doing it for the money.

Titan BG
Sentinel BG

You have such an amazing array of work in your portfolio. How do you develop a concept from start to finish?

Time spent in the planning stage always pays off in the end. So I do a bit of looking through my archive of inspiring images to get an idea in my head of what I want to achieve.
Then comes the sketch I make any notes about colours, styles, fonts etc to keep me on the straight and narrow once I get on the computer. I start the layout and all main parts of the design in Adobe Illustrator firstly. Then afterwards come the time consuming part of going back and forth between Illustrator and Photoshop, pasting vector images and adding effects as I go.
I find it much easier to work with the pen tool in illustrator rather than brushes in Photoshop as it’s just what I practice more of. I don’t use a tablet, so this might also be the reason I struggle getting smooth lines in Photoshop, but it’s just a personal preference. It’s pretty smooth sailing from here, if I stick to the original sketch!
If it’s a client work, before I put any finishing touches on, I get a bit of feedback and make the changes they request.
If it’s personal work I save it, get away from the screen and leave it for a day or two to see if I can see any obvious changes that need to be done.

Senna Poster V4
Study of an Eagle A3 copy

Would you say that you keep a certain trademark or style in each of your work?

Lately I have been placing importance on keeping certain restrictions in my work. I use only a small selection of brushes, colours and fonts for all my personal work. There’s an abundance of gold on black backgrounds, bold type, simple perspectives, bold type. I guess its pretty masculine stuff.
Generally though, I do have 2 distinct methods. The more realistic approach, done in Photoshop with gradients and blend modes and all those cool things. And the total Vector approach, staying just with the pen tool.

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3 responses to “26 Nostalgically Cool Designs by Sean Kane”

  1. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    very impressive ! love this post! keep up!

  2. Muhammad yousuf Avatar
    Muhammad yousuf

    Your tutorials are awesome

  3. nabeel ameen Avatar
    nabeel ameen

    hi Sean Kane, i am very impresed about youe designing and i’m shocked to see it really i’m very impersed please tell me how i i do for it because i’m interested in it.please tell me…..

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