How important do you think a good understanding of 2d art is to a 3d artist such as yourself?
Fundamentally, I love following a good 2D art as the basis for my 3D.
I think any kind of art adds when you are creating, many times it helps unconsciously and you do not realize it.
And the 2D art in itself can provide results which one could not reach in 3D. One can complement the other for the best result.

Who are your favorite artists? Who and what inspires you in all types of your work?
Currently these are my favorite artists:
Pedro Conti
Victor Hugo Queiroz
Rafael Grassetti
Tim Cooper
Guang Yang
Thiago Hoisel
The feeling that their images and transmits the realism always impress me.

What do you like and dislike about the 3D medium? Why?
What I like most in 3D is the possibility that it allows to create something out of nothing and you can create worlds and characters that exist only on your computer screen.
What I don´t like working with 3D, are the tight deadlines and too much reworking.

As a 3D artist, how do you see 3D in the future? Why?
The 3D in the future will have more realistic renders in less time, and will enable the development of things that were impossible to be made.
As much as technology helps professionals currently and in the future, the artistic side will make a difference in the outcome.

More about Bruno Nunes
Bruno Nunes is currently focused on making 3D Illustrations for Advertising campaigns. You can find more of his artworks on his Behance profile of website.
8 responses to “Interview with Graphic Designer and 3D Artist Bruno Nunes”
I remember Bruno from back in the day when he’d kick my ass in competitions on Worth1000.com
thanks for posting
Parabems Bruno.. muito sucesso
Congratulations Bruno !!!!
You are so good !!!! -
Thanks :
Yup :p
Is that the scene of the Pirates of the Caribbean, isn’t it?
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