
Which would you say you enjoy doing more, typography or digital art?

It’s hard to say. Recently I make more typography designs as digital art. I find Typography design very exciting. On the other hand I like Digital art too. Though it’s hard to say. I’m thinking to mix these two styles in one. It could be beautiful.


What is it about typography that you love?

I found typography design funny and interesting because of more than one thing. Typography holds interesting ways of communication with the viewers. For example with some interesting words or short sentences produced in a creative way you can grab the attention of the audience more than a graphics only. I made my typography designs in bright and positive colors. I think that one good and artistic text can make you feel it.


What is your work process like?

Well, the process I think is unique for every project. When I start a new project the main idea that I have at the beginning of the work often change to another. In the process of work a new idea and inspiration appear so I can change the whole conception. I often start something then another… I forgot the first that I start and after a couple of months for example I come back to this unfinished work again.


Do you experiment on using new methods or techniques?

I always make experiment on new techniques. I always try to mention innovations with every new project. I mix different styles and techniques trying to find something new.

I found your entry, “Movement” very intriguing. What’s the story behind this?

That’s right! That was my aim! To intrigue the viewers! The idea was to create a mass of all elements with variety of colors and movements. Like a whole human mind with all things moving around. This project was created in three parts. You can see it on That’s my personal web site.


Can you share us your design philosophy?

Be different and do what you want! Do not listen what others said. Work hard with imagination, inspirations, ideas, aims and passion.


Any new projects that you’re working on right now?

I’m in the process of preparing a lot of new projects in Typography, Digital Art and Interaction Design. For 2012, the projects that I made for Nike is going to be produced on the market. These projects are very interesting! Here is the place to give thanks to everyone on the Nike Team that gave me the opportunity to work with them. I have a lot of new ideas but I need some more time to be done with them.
Thank you for the interview. I hope you visitors will find this interesting and have fun!

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