These creatures and images that burst out from the dark corridors of the subconscious to make their way to the sunlight in fact attempt to tell us something with their rebellious attitude. It may be subtle or open, or just plainly clear right in front of your eyes. You will see it if you slow down…


You feature a lot of animals in your artworks. What do these animals contribute in your artworks? Why?

I love animals; their pureness, survival instincts and harmony with nature. Animals have been ascribed symbolic meanings throughout human history. Animals appear in my work, mostly due to their symbolic meanings.


Have you ever received a recognition of your works from graphic design organizations or other affiliated organizations? And is it important for you to get a recognition, personally and professionally?

I can’t exactly say that I have. I mean, not officially. Nevertheless, it’s nice to arouse interest from global sites like yours. I believe it is important professionally.


What are some favorite projects that you’ve completed and why?

Favorite personal works;


Strength that reaches simplicity through knowledge, that is powerful, that does not need to prove itself, that lies beneath an obscure look, and that does not strive for dominance.

The Artwork chosen for the cover by Le Cool Magazine


Classical element –

Many philosophies and worldviews have a set of classical elements believed to reflect the simplest essential parts and principles of which anything consists or upon which the constitution and fundamental powers of anything are based.
 Earth – Water – Air – Fire



–  Mutual Life  – Example of seki (mutual life). Neither Black nor White can play on the marked points without reducing their own liberties for those groups to one (self-atari).( Go Game )

Inspired from ” Shibumi ” – Hel’s secret is his determination to reach that rare personal purity and state of perfection known as Shibumi. Originally published in 1979, Shibumi has made the greatest impact among Trevanian fans and remains today his most revered novel.

Your Lucid Dream 3 artwork really caught my attention. It is so creepy – just by looking at it. What is the meaning behind this artwork?

Composite creatures with human and animal elements are common in the mythology of many cultures. The snake has always been one of the most powerful and ambiguous symbols for mankind. That idea inspired me. This half snake creature represents the might, transformation, fertility, quest for immortality, death; divine and sinister sides, murderous and healing aspects, and the highest wisdom and deepest subconscious of the humankind who is the master of the world.

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3 responses to “Interview with Graphic Designer Osman Taner Küçükgenç”

  1.  Avatar

    i can efforts clerly

  2. Kimberly Gould Avatar
    Kimberly Gould


  3. Khayam Panwar Avatar
    Khayam Panwar


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