What is the best advice you have ever given and received regarding your artwork and career?

My mentor advised me that I should root my art in a long tradition of art history, and to find influences in the old masters, rather than in the contemporary entertainment industry I was leaning to. It was an excellent piece of advice that opened an inexhaustible well of inspiration for me. The entertainment industry, in my opinion, has a tendency to propagate superficial effects, rather than strong, emotional image making.


What are your hopes for the future of your career?

Finding out what makes an image strong and apply that knowledge to my future work.


More About Dragan Bibin

Dragan Bibin is mainly interested in the subject of fears and anxieties that we bear from the earliest days of the existence of our species. I’m trying to let the spectators inhabit the darkness with their personal fears. The dark rooms, doors and windows in my paintings are just a place for the spectator’s fears to inhabit. You can find more of his artworks on his Behance profile, website or facebook page.

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4 responses to “Interview with Illustrator Dragan Bibin”


    He does non-scary stuff, too, if you ask him. He’s quite versatile.

  2. Ahmed Avatar

    Fantastic Artist. Thank you so much for this interview!

  3. Lordan Avatar

    Huge fan of Dragan’s. I’m very much in the creepy aspect of art. Great interview piece here.

  4. Duke Vukadinovic Avatar
    Duke Vukadinovic

    Dragan is truly a master of using fear to create allure and mystery!

    Thank you so much for this interview!

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