
I noticed that most of your work features women. How do they influence or inspire your work?

I guess it has to do with the creative principles of life. Although I don’t think men has not is place in my works. I am also very lazy to be honest. It also reflects a personal taste when it comes to art.


Which of your works can you say reflect you best as an artist/illustrator?

All of them, they’re all little pieces of me at certain point in time. My latest works are closer to what I think nowadays.


How did you come up with your signature style?

Step by step and very slowly but I was not aware of it. I don’t even really think that I have a signature style because to me it always evolves but within certain constrains. I think it all comes down to assimilate influences and making them mine somehow.


Are there other illustrator/artists who inspire your work?

A lot, I’ll name a few, Tom Bagshaw, Banksy, Daniel Egneus, Stina Persson, David Foldvari, Muscha and on and on…


What message can you give to other aspiring artists ?

Create beautiful works that are talking about who you are.


More Information about Raphael Vicenzi

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4 responses to “Interview with Raphael Vicenzi”

  1. nicola hughes Avatar
    nicola hughes

    oh yeah me

  2. nicola hughes Avatar
    nicola hughes

    ok i will be

  3. Becca Baldwin Avatar
    Becca Baldwin

    i think your very depressing ok. I think you should be a bit more happy in life!!!!!

    1. nicola hughes Avatar
      nicola hughes

      hi can yuo help mw with something

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