Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? What influenced you to become an illustrator/designer?

I am a Helsinki-based illustrator and designer soon moving to Berlin. I have graduated from University of Art and Design in Helsinki where I studied graphic design. I have also background in architectural studies. After graduating, I worked as a designer at one of the top advertising agencies in Finland until I decided to jump ship and go at it alone. I never planned on becoming an artist though it has always been a far-fetched dream for me. Drawing has always played an important role in my life and things just developed that way.

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How does your work as an illustrator influence your everyday life? And does your environment influence your designs?

I think working on my own and in such a free and creative field gives certain freedom to my everyday life as well. Often it doesn´t feel work at all although after busy projects you feel like you’ve given all from yourself and you just want to fall on a bed. Deadlines can be extremely tight sometimes.

I think the environment and time always reflects in your work. As well Finn’s close relationship to nature leaves its mark to artists working there. I don’t purposely try to put any special Finnish stamp on my work. Interesting to see where my style develops now when I´m moving abroad.

How do you come up with a concept? Where do you get your inspiration from?

I try to go through a brief as soon as I can. Then I have more time to process it in my mind. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I´m thinking the topic all the time but I let it do its own work in my head. Listening to music, looking at fascinating visuals, go for a walk or whatever gets you in a mood where the inspiration is to be found.

What tools/techniques do you use to help you materialize your ideas?

I work mainly on my computer using a large drawing tablet. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are the most important everyday tools. Despite working heavily on computer, I still try to achieve natural feelings in my illustrations. The scanner plays an important role in creating textures and extra layers on my work.

You have a very distinct style, how did you develop it?

I like to mix some old and some new ideas to create an original retro influenced style with my personal modern twist. Decades from the 1920s to 1950s have inspired me a lot during the last year. Art Deco, ’50s ad illustrations, old childrens’ books as well as modern street art and clean vector shapes fascinate me.

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