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Can you tell us more about the project you did for Hyvinkää, “Identity Illustrations”?

Hyvinkää is a small sympathethic town just outside the capital area of Helsinki in Finland. The commission concerned to create new illustrated identity for the city to update its image as livable and cozy place with an easy access by public transportation to the business oriented capital area. The commission included as well the additional illustrations to promote new areas in Hyvinkää to be built up in near future.

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What kind of projects are you most inspired to do?

The projects where a designer or people who are commissioning me have a strong vision. You are forced to push the boundaries if you have to work in strict guidelines. After all the most important thing is to have fun and play with the topic. It really shows in your work if you have to push too hard.

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Which of your works can you say reflect you best as an artist/illustrator?

Maybe the one for Hyvinkää or Monocle Finland Survey cover. I think they represent me and my way to build an image the best. As well I like one of the latest, an art poster for Hartwall (a finnish beverage company). I played with my style to find new ways of creating an illustration since the commission left me with the great feel of freedom.

What projects are you doing right now that our readers should look out for?

Can´t reveal but I´m working on an interesting commissioning at the moment. My site will be updated every now then when the projects are ready to be published.

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Any message for our readers?

Have fun. Never stop wondering or questioning.

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More Information about Vesa Sammalisto

Behance Portfolio:

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