Can you tell us more about the materials, techniques and medium you’re exploring?

Screen Printing. I learned that technique at university and now i’m exploring it. And I must say that opened my mind, A LOT! I mean, now I have a lot more notion about weights, strokes, color densities, how can errors be awesome, etc. I think that it changed my whole thinking about everything…even my style is changing right now.


From start to end, how does a concept come to life?

When I have a new project to create I research a lot..really a lot..and I think that’s the very big first step to start something. I love to search in old books, I like to say that “What’s old is good”. I’ve molded my mind to be able to use collage-based work to give a new expression to the old. The elements are very important, and one thing that I love to do is buy old magazines from the 60′s, 70′s and 80′s, and scan those wonderful images. My work process on working on those elements is also very simple. I pick some nice color palette from colourlovers.com (great job guys), then most of the time I randomly pick an image, and I start working on it spontaneously. I love to have a nice background to work with first, then I cut the images and paste, and finally I play with blending modes a lot (which I love doing).


What is your most recent project? Can you tell us more about it?

My most recent project is the “Make Something Cool Everyday”, which all started with a group with that name on flickr.com. That group was created by designer Olly Moss and the object was really that – to create something “cool” everyday! And that’s what I decided to do now. I must say that I feel alive making it! It just speeds up my process. I’m creating a lot more, and its been amazing. Everyone should try it out, really!


What are your plans in the future? How do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?

My very first plan is to finish design university, then I would love to leave Portugal, in search for some new flys, new culture, new thinking. I see myself in the creative area definitely. That’s were I wanna be after all!


What advice can you give to our readers?

I feel like the design world is being saturated by people who are always behind a computer. Learn to leave your chair! I’ve always tried to find more and more ways to transmit what I want in different mediums. So my advice to all readers out there is to leave your chair and do something different and unexpected, and please, please, do what you guys love and don’t follow your dreams, chase them.

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