Does your environment influence your designs? Where do you usually find inspiration?
Yes I think it does, on my color choice especially. My work is a product of what im inspired by – as if it is a complex filtering process that manifests itself graphically. Inspiration is everywhere.

What projects or activity make you want to rise up in the morning or keep you up at night?
Pretty much all my projects, like I said im quite obsessed – I am always trying to improve an idea or technique, once I lock into something its pretty much all consuming. Even in between projects im coming up with new ideas that randomly come around, and I like to work in those moments – I hate trying to force things because it always leeds to the standard of the work dropping. With commercial realities this is often the case and the most challenging part to overcome.

What is it about typography that you love?
Typography is such a geeky thing to get into – and its only recently that I have become really focused on type. But it is a voice, and a complex language below the surface, something most people take for granted in the digital age because its all around you all the time – like breathing air. I have always loved images and type and their ability to covey powerful narratives and emotions. I like exploring that push and pull between the two. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and its the same for letters.

What is your work process like?
There are two basic routes – I will dive in and just start playing around once I have an idea, its pretty random and organic. I will just tweak things until it feels right – or I’ll really spend time in pre production drawing up scamps by hand and figure out a pre determined work flow to achieve the results I want, but even then I like to experiment and try new things.

Can you tell us more about your work, “Synthesize”? What is the story behind this work?
Its all there in the name – to combine a number of things and elements into a cohesive whole – Its a brilliant metaphor for my work in general.

Do you experiment on using new mediums or techniques?
All the time – its often the most rewarding part of the process. What keeps you busy nowadays? Any new projects that you’re working on right now? Busy busy busy! I have a whole bunch of crazy projects going on everything from fully computer generated and animated television spots to illustrative type projects for print.
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