Remember Me

From start to finish, how does a concept come to life?

First I need inspiration for a new project. Then I have to look in my collection for stockphotos (all bought on I cut out the objects I want to use, then put them together. I then pick a nice background color. Afterwards, I regulate the lighting and shadow of each object. I add some effects like gradients, patterns, textures, lights, etc. Lastly, I think of a nice title that fits with the projects. (some quick steps)

Silver Glow

What are your plans in the future? How do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?

After I finish my education, I want to work for an advertising agency 4 days a week. And the remaining day I want to continue working as a freelancer.

Unexplained Mysteries

Are you working on any new projects now that our readers should look out for?

I’m currently not working on any personal projects. I’m really busy with a new client from India; 5 posters for a shopping mall. I’m also busy with my internship for school.

Endless Journey

More Info about Kevin Roodhorst

Behance Portfolio

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