Shyam B. is a talented designer based in Kolkata, India. He specializes in Branding and Corporate Identity development. His works feature a clean aesthetic and amazingly, he did not have any formal training in design. Let’s get to know more about this artist and his projects through this interview.
First of all, thank you for letting us have this opportunity to interview you. Can you tell us more about yourself?
The pleasure is all mine! I am a 29yr old graphic designer from Kolkata, India specializing in corporate and brand identity design. Almosh82 is the name of my design studio.

Have you always been into design?
No, I belong to a corporate background but found the world of numbers not exciting enough. It was early in 2008 that I decided to take up designing whole time and then as they say, my passion became my work. Even though I have had no formal training in designing as such, I was always attracted by the idea of creation be it any medium from my early childhood.

Does your environment influence your designs? Where do you usually find inspiration?
Yes, certainly as a creative you cannot but be influenced by the environment around you. In fact I believe you have to keep your senses on high alert 24×7 beacuse you never know how and in what form inspiration might strike you. I usually find my inspiration via a cross section of sources like the web, magazines & architecture etc.

What is your work process like?
My work is very instinctive and does not follow a set pattern as such. While I am in the flow of things I am totally consumed by the process and try out different techniques and styles .Each project requires a different approach and work process.

How do you come up with a concept for a logo or a website?
This again is very instinctive but nevertheless that starting point is a detailed brief from the client followed by an extensive round of research on the company and the industry it belongs to. Once this is done I move on to the conceptualization stage whereby I try out sketching a number of ideas. And then comes the process of short listing the best ones and moving on to illustrator. That’s 80% of the job done. The rest is all about choosing the right colors and font.

What mediums or techniques do you often use in your work?
For my identity projects I use Illustrator and for digital art/web design I use Photoshop. As for techniques I love experimenting with different styles which can be seen in my works. For me art is all about experimenting and evolving.
One response to “Interview with Logo Designer Shyam B (Almosh82)”
“Illuminarty creatives” is truly exceptional! Regards, Supriya
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