de⋅vour (d`-vour)
- to eat up greedily.
- to destroy,consume, or waste.
- to take in eagerly.
- to prey upon voraciously.

What subject/s are your favorite to shoot?
I like to include people whenever I can, but it might as well be nature or everyday objects or situations, or a simple ray of light on a wall. Whatever picks my fancy.

What message do you want to convey in your photographs?
Most of my work is conceptual so there is always an idea behind the project that powers it and gives it an extra layer. I like to explore existential themes and the surrealism of everyday life.

Do you have any new projects that you’re working on right now?
I’m always working on several projects simultaneously. It keeps my interest alive. Right now I’m working on a larger project that I’m very exited about. The plan is to launch it as a book and exhibition later this year. Check out my website to see what

Any message or advice for our readers who might be aspiring to get into photography?
Don’t be afraid to share your ideas. Study the classics. Don’t follow trends. Follow your heart. Believe in yourself. Keep shooting.

More about Christopher Jonassen
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