You love developing photographs using alternative printing processes, where did this love start from?

Since I had the chance to try it ! It`s pure magic and gives you some more options of creating, let it be in the darkroom or outside. Also because of curiosity for the old printing techniques and the past experiences, but this time I prefer to bring them back blended with nowadays innovative experiences and possibilities, enriching it and making it morph into something else…


Which printing process do you think produced the best output so far?

I had my very first print of liquid emulsion to come out perfectly! So I developed a strong affection for it. Then trying to hand tint my liquid emulsion prints was another good experience and new infatuation. I had also good results with bromoil, a technique I adore and cyanotype.


“Medusal Mood” is a haunting yet beautiful series. Can you tell us about your inspiration and process in creating these images?

The story of Medusa and different legends and associations about her have always intrigued me. I had first seen her sculpture in Istanbul, at Yerebatan Cistern. The images in my series consist of self portraits mixed in Photoshop with Turkish coffee patterns images. I had several reasons to use those patterns. Firstly because visually it connotates Medusa`s hair. Secondly,as many of us know the Turkish coffee patterns are famous in fortune telling. If we look back at the story of Medusa, she used to be a pretty girl with wonderful hair. After being cursed by the goddess Athena, her fortune totally changed and her hair turned into terrible snakes , while her face became incredibly ugly so each person that would stare at her would get stoned. So I symbolized the coffee patterns with the ways of destiny. At the same time Medusa is also known as a symbol of nihilism and negotiation of many meaningful aspects of life. The whole final imagery connotates not a very optimistic determinism on facts we can`t change however we try to escape from them and the final way we choose to live with it.


What keeps you busy now? Any projects that you’re working on right now?

I am all the time creating new projects. Some of them which I’ve been thinking for a long time , some of them instinctive ones coming out in a very short time out of some unknown inspiration or because of the wish to try new things or techniques. I have plans and am working on trying different techniques or create new ones by blending what I know, as well as practicing more on mixed media technique which fascinates me big time.

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2 responses to “15 Overly Creative Alternative Prints by Eni Turkeshi”

  1.  Avatar

    Jam krenar qe jam shqiptar sidomos qe pas kete postim sot

  2. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    This is a really inspiring collection for all, I like it, thanks for shearing!

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