Be amazed by the astounding photographs of Emanuele Marzocca. This interview with this brilliant Italian photographer will take you to a fresh world full of inspiring images. His vision is truly encouraging and is uniquely creative. Read on and get to know more about Emanuele. Enjoy!

Hello Emanuele, how are you? Can you tell us a bit of yourself and what you do?

I’m fine, thank you. Answering this first question, I can tell you that presently I am a semi-retired man of almost 65 (I will be 65 in November 2015) and having a lot of free time in my hands I dedicate it mainly to photography, traveling and a bit towards graphic design which along with photography has always been one of my passions.


How would you define photography and how do you express yourself in photography?

Although photography in its infancy wasn’t really regarded as an art by itself, it’s clear that nowadays it is considered art in all respects. Photography though has many, many aspects and expresses itself in many diverse ways… would it be the documentation one, or the advertising one, or the creative aspect, photography is always at the center stage through many different uses that can be done of it. I put myself more on the creative side as I shoot my photos more through my mind’s eye than merely reproducing what I see in the viewfinder. I do prefer, when possible, to focus on a particular aspect of the subject that I’m shooting rather than at the bigger picture I have in front of myself.


What made you decide to go pro in photography? In other words, when did it become your major source of income?

Going pro in photography was a never well defined moment in my life. I happened to start shooting when I was still a kid and as my results were considered to be very good for a kid I was encouraged, especially from an uncle who was an excellent photographer, to do more and better. I therefore embraced photography as one of my major hobbies.

In my late twenties I happened to meet a person, who eventually became one of my closest friends, who was an art critic and also very much involved into the environmental protection. This person after having seen my photos asked me whether I would like to have an exhibition related to an environmental and educational program that the EU Commission was developing here in Italy. I accepted and probably that was the real moment when I became professional and started to dedicate most of my time and efforts to my photographic production. This went on for several years and I had over 40 exhibitions in several locations here in Italy, but in the end I started to grow tired of producing mainly the same themes and repeating myself time and again in my shots.

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