He said to me “look carefully into the viewfinder, compose your image as if it were a painting… don’t just quickly shoot but reflect on what you see and what you want to see in your final image as that will be a real photo… YOUR PHOTO”
And that is all I do every time I take a picture.

What’s one photography goal that you have for 2015?
One on my main photography goals for 2015 is to go back to Sardinia, where I spent a couple of weeks last October, and take some professional photos of that enchanting island. Unfortunately when I was there last year I had some big problems with my right arm and I limited myself to shoot the usual “holiday photos”. I never used my beloved macro lens for instance, as every time it was a real burden even to lift the camera and shoot a normal picture. This year I would like to go back and, right arm allowing, dedicate myself to shoot so many interesting things I saw in my past trip like flowers, minerals, birds and rather unusual plants.

More about Emanuele Marzocca
Emanuele Marzocca has a deep knowledge of Adobe CC suites on both graphic design, web and multimedia applications, Corel Wordperfect Office and Microsoft Office suites. From 1990, he created several websites for private and public institutions. From 1998 to 2007 I taught I.T. courses of various levels both for the CTP (Centri Territoriali per l’educazione Permanente) and E.C.D.L. (European Computer Driving Licence) students. You can find more of his works on his Behance profile or website.
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