What tools of the trade do you use most often?
I use my Canon Mark IV and 5D Mark II for most of my work. Now I’m keen to shoot with my iPhone4 for my street photography blog “another day in London”( https://anotherdayinlondon.tumblr.com/ ) I really think iPhone is a smart and useful device to cut out a nice little world of London.

What message do you want your photograph to convey?
It depends on the subject. For photography in general, I still cannot really say exactly what but I would say it is my sense of vision. I want people who look at my photo to get interested; no need to figure out what but at least if you like them, I feel it was worth capturing.

How does photography influence your life?How does the people/scenery you capture influence you as a photographer?
Since I jumped into the world of photography, my procedure of seeing things has changed dramatically. When I face something/someone attractive, the next thing I know I find myself looking for a best way to capture it. The outcome, which could be people and the scenery if you like, is like a quiz grade for me to review the photo and think what I am satisfied with them and what I could have done to make them better.

What are your favorite subject to shoot?
Sports and portraiture. Shooting sports is a great joy to find and capture the true beauty of physical strength, as much as shooting portraiture is another challenging subject to express the history of people from their eyes, wrinkles, atmospheres, etc. I think I’m just devoted to seeing people’s life through my camera.

Any projects that you are working on right now?
As I mentioned a bit above, I am working on a Street Photography since I moved to London in June. When I have a day off, I just take my camera and hit the streets. It is full of old tradition but also very multi-cultural here in London. I really enjoy walking around and discovering something/someone photogenic.

Can you please share some tips and tricks you use or any advice in getting great photographer?
Well, I don’t see myself to be great enough, but there is one thing I always do when I have a shooting in digital. That is, “not to rush a decision”. After a shooting, I save the fresh photo onto my HDD and switch it off. That’s it for the day. I wait for selecting and retouching until next day in order to get myself refreshed and not to be biased by the excitement at shooting. By doing this you will be more objective about your work and possible to make a proper decision. Try it first, and you’ll see the difference.
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