In your experience, were there moments that you have struggled or had difficulty in coming up with a concept? If there are, what are these and how did you overcome/cope?
Yes, as I upload every image on the net and always have done. The feed back I get often inspires or pushes me to try harder or to learn where I’m going wrong (by not as much feed back). I normally do one image a day (I’m trying to slow down at moment). At one stage I think I got stage fright knowing how many people would be viewing my next upload and what they would expect. My mind went blank, I produced rubbish for days. In the end I gave up, and now have learnt that when you get a block not to fight it or try to break it. Just go with it and be thankful for a break for your brain. The ideas will be back before you know it.
Liveing Doll (model: Estelle Tunstall)
What message do you want your images to convey?
I want my images to tell a story to get people to think what may have just happend or what may happen next, so people can lose themselves just for a moment in my images.
Swimming in Anti depressants (self portrait)
Music (model: Paige Rohanna walker)
How does photography influence your life? How does the people/scenery you capture influence you as a photographer?
Photography influences my life in the way my brain see the world in a different way. From when I started, everything looks different and I have learnt how to see. We could spend years walking past a building on a street without actually looking at it, I feel now I see things before I miss them. This took a long time. Even when looking through my camera, I used to miss important things (like hair in wrong place or jewelry that doesn’t work for the photo).
Summer Time (model: Estelle Tunstall)
?(model: Will Fletcher)
What are your favorite subjects to shoot?
Faces are my favorite thing. I like to be close and I normally like front on and symmetrical shots. People feel like they’re doing mug shots. I have to sometimes fight my instincts to try get a different angle or position.
Fragile (model: me)
Geisha girl (self portrait)
Can you share some tips to get magnificent photographs?
I’m terrible with technology and dont have much equipment, so first I have to say people with only a cheap camera can still produce amazing shots. The secret and hard bit is finding your passion and style. Once you have that the rest will follow and people will want to view your work. Be your self and be original. Its hard to do in times of millions of images flashing past our eyeballs every day, but if you create things from your head or see the things in the landscape others miss you will do good!
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