Nathan Spotts is a professional photographer from California. He gets inspiration from the places and the people around him. Fall in love with the beautiful landscapes in his captivating series, Unrealistic Scenes. Read on to know more about him and be inspired by his photographic pursuits.
Can you tell us more about yourself? What is your background and how did you get started in photography?
I’m a student and photographer in the San Francisco bay area in California. My photographic beginnings came from my parents, who are both wonderful people and amazing photographers. I started to seriously become interested in photography in high school, but unfortunately there were no photo classes at my school, and I was forced to teach myself with some help from my parents, mainly my father, who supplied me with my first real camera.

What is it about photography that you love?
Everything about it! The thought that goes into the creation of an image, the interaction between the subject and myself, the Zen feeling of being in nature and waiting for the perfectly beautiful moment, and having the wonderful privilege of being able to capture an instant in time, the satisfying sound of a camera shutter…I love it all!

How does photography influence your life? How does the people/scenery you capture influence you as a photographer?
Being a photographer, to me is a constant learning experience. I learn things from my subjects, and feel inspired by the places I go and the people I meet, which I think helps me to become a better person. Also, each photo is a memory of what I’ve experienced and seen, and what I love. There’s always a reason behind each picture, no matter how significant or miniscule.

What are your favorite subjects to shoot?
I really enjoy shooting just about everything, but lately (like the last year or so) I’ve been on a pretty big landscape kick, and have been loving the amount of travel that all of that entails. Another one of my favourite subjects is street photography, I love candid expressions and decisive moments. Astrophotography is something that I would love to get in to, but serious imagery in that field is currently a bit beyond my budget unfortunately.

What was your big break?
If you could say I’ve had a big break, it would be when Behance featured my Unrealistic Scenes project on their website at the beginning of the year. I got quite a bit of attention from that, and maybe that’s even why I’m being interviewed!
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